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What Causes Old Age Aches & Pains?

older man experiencing old age pains and aches

Nutronics Labs |

“My back”, “my knee”, “my neck”, and just about any other body part you can imagine are exclamations you’ve heard the older people in your life use. One unfortunate part of aging is the fact that aches and pains in different parts of the body tend to start after 40. Whether it’s from repeated motions at work, injuries from exercise or play, or no apparent reason at all, aches and pains are a common part of the human experience as we get older. No matter the cause, there’s science behind why people experience more aches and pains as they get older. In this post from the Nutronics Labs blog, we’ll discuss what causes old age aches and pains, as well as some ways to combat these aches and pains. 

Why Do We Experience Aches & Pains As We Age? 

There are many conditions, as well as natural processes that occur within the body that result in aches and pains as we age.  In most cases, old age aches and pains are the results of one or more of the following age-related conditions or bodily changes. 

Muscle Stiffness & Blood Flow 

When we age, our muscles tend to get stiff and leathery as opposed to soft and flexible like in younger individuals. While certain conditions can further contribute to muscle stiffness, overall muscle stiffness from old age is likely the cause of blood flow. As the body ages, arteries become stiffer and less flexible, resulting in weaker blood flow, and stiffer muscles. 

Reduced Bodily Resilience 

Another factor that results in old age aches and pains, especially in men, is that it’s hard to realize that your body isn’t as resilient as it used to be. Something as simple as a pickup game of basketball or playing with grandchildren can result in soreness that wouldn’t have occurred just 4 or 5 years ago. “Weekend warrior syndrome” is a popular term for those older individuals that go a little too hard when it’s time to play. While getting older means having to take it easier physically, that doesn’t mean you should stop being active. More on good exercises for aging individuals later. 


According to the CDC, approximately 50% of those aged 65 years or older report doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Most of the time, older people experience arthritis of the lower back, though arthritis can be present in any of the joints of the body. Arthritis occurs when the joints become inflamed as a result of a range of different conditions. These different conditions cause different kinds of arthritis. 


Osteoarthritis occurs when the flexible tissue that is normally present at the end of bones, also known as cartilage, begins to wear down. Over time, osteoarthritis tends to worsen as the cartilage becomes more and more worn down. Osteoarthritis most commonly occurs in the lower back, hands, neck, knees, and hip, and is diagnosed in over 3 million Americans annually. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Rheumatoid arthritis, also known as RA is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect any of the joints within the body, including those in the feet and hands. With RA, the body’s immune system will attack its tissue, most commonly those around the joints. In some severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis will cause the body to attack its organs as well. When affecting the joint lining, RA can cause painful swelling, and over time, it can result in bone erosion and joint erosion. Rheumatoid arthritis is a fairly common condition affecting over 200,000 Americans each year. 

Polymyalgia Rheumatica 

With polymyalgia rheumatica, inflammation results in muscle pain and stiffness around the hips and shoulders. Polymyalgia almost always develops in individuals after the age of 50, and can sometimes occur alongside temporal arteritis, a much more serious condition causing inflammation in the lining of the arteries. Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to develop quickly and result in pain in the neck, hips, and shoulders. Polymyalgia rheumatica is also common, affecting over 200,000 people in the United States every year. 

Many other conditions result in arthritis, but these are among the most common in the United States. But, these primary causes of aches and pains as we age can be combated. Continue reading to learn how to combat aches, pains, and stiffness in old age.  

How To Reduce Aches & Pains As We Age 

Reducing age-related aches and pains, as well as the conditions that cause them, is all about conditioning your body to be able to handle more before it starts to cause pain and discomfort to do those strenuous activities. Even if you’re already experiencing old age aches and pains, there are some things you can do to reduce them and improve your ability to do the things you love. 

Stretch To Improve Flexibility 

Stretching is one of the best things you can do to prevent pains and aches as you get older. As we stretch, the pliability of ligaments that support the joints is improved. Stretching is also something that men tend to skip before performing strenuous activities, which can result in nasty injuries in older individuals. Working a stretching routine into your day, say at your desk after lunch at work or before the shower at the end of the day, is a great way to avoid muscle aches and pains as you age. 

Cardio Is Critical 

Excess weight is a common reason for old age aches and pains, especially in the United States. Adding an extra 30 pounds onto your body, which is common with age, adds extra stress to your joints and muscles. Excess weight results in many other conditions apart from aches and pain, including heart conditions and other cardiovascular problems. To lose excess weight, improve your heart health, and train your body to handle more strenuous activities, cardio for 30 to 60 minutes per day will come highly recommended by any physician you ask. 

It’s Never Too Late For Strength Training 

Strengthening the muscles that support your joints helps them be more effective as stabilizers. By performing regular strength training, you can relieve back pain, leg pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain. Strengthening of the “core” area of muscles, including the stomach, rear, back, and thighs is especially important for reducing aches and pains in this area as we age.

Before starting on a strength training regimen, you should ask your doctor if they think the exercises you’re considering are right for you. If approved, you should seek the services of a fitness trainer so you can discover the most effective ways to build muscle based on your age. 

Supplement Your Diet 

There are several natural supplements that can help reduce the aches and pains that come with aging. Much of the pain that comes with aging is associated with inflammation, so things that reduce inflammation are a good starting point when it comes to supplementing your diet. These foods, natural compounds, and supplements are known for their inflammation-reducing attributes: 

Fish Oil 

Fish oil is widely taken for its rich content of omega-3 fatty acids, which has a number of general health benefits. There are 2 primary omega-3s in fish oil — eicosapentaenoic acid, also known as EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. 

DHA has been shown to have several anti-inflammatory effects that reduce cytokine levels, which is the chemical that causes inflammation. Fish oil is largely considered safe to be supplemented into any diet, but it may cause bad breath, heartburn, or upset stomach. 


There are two chemical components in ginger that may help reduce inflammation associated with old-age soreness: zingerone, and gingerol. One study found that a group of women with breast cancer who took ginger supplements had lower levels of inflammatory markers known as CRP and IL-6 when compared to those in a placebo group. These inflammatory markers were even more reduced in those women who paired with ginger supplementation with exercise. 


Glucosamine is naturally found in cartilage, which cushions the joints. When cartilage is worn down over time, it results in arthritis. When supplemented, glucosamine is taken orally to treat the painful conditions that come with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. At Nutronics Labs, our Joint Relief Plus product contains glucosamine sulfate to directly combat the pain that comes with different types of arthritis. 


Chondroitin sulfate is another chemical naturally found in the cartilage that cushions the joints. Supplementing chondroitin is similar to supplementing glucosamine, and the two chemicals are often combined together. At Nutronics Labs, we do exactly that to provide our customers with the ultimate solution to joint pain relief and arthritis pain with our Joint Relief Plus product. 


IGF-1 is among the top supplements to improve overall health and is a leading chemical compound within popular deer antler velvet supplements. Among the many benefits that IGF-1 provides is its ability to reduce inflammation. How IGF-1 reduces inflammation is different from other supplements mentioned above. Learn more about how IGF-1 helps reduce inflammation below. 

How IGF-1 Helps Reduce Inflammation 

There have been several studies conducted on the effects of IGF-1 on the body. But, one area that is continuously studied is how IGF-1 helps reduce inflammation. What’s been discovered in one major study is that IGF-1 inhibits the chemical markers of inflammation within your body. Additionally, other inflammatory agents within the body, like cytokines, are also impaired from IGF-1 signaling. There are a number of benefits of deer antler velvet supplements as well as the IGF-1 they contain. How IGF-1 and its inflammatory attributes are one factor of the supplement that will continue to be studied for years to come.

Promote Joint Health & Reduce Old Age Pains with Deer Antler Velvet From Nutronics Labs 

At Nutronics Labs, our line of deer antler velvet supplements helps promote muscle strength and growth, as well as joint health in older individuals. Take it from one of Nutronics Labs’ biggest supporters, Frank Stallone:

Frank Stallone - "I take it every day. I'm not a young man, but boy I feel like one."

For the best natural supplements to combat old age aches and pains, trust the doctor-formulated deer antler spray products at Nutronics Labs. Learn more about the benefits of deer antler velvet in our blog. Ready to get started with Nutronics Labs? Save up to 50% on each order thanks to our auto-ship program. Make your health your #1 priority with natural supplements from Nutronics Labs.


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