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Deer Antler Velvet Benefits

Deer Antler Velvet Benefits

Nutronics Labs |

What Are The Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet Spray?

A growing trend in western medicine is the proliferation of influences from ancient eastern medicine. Over 2,000 years ago, they were administering deer antler velvet to treat conditions ranging from serious illnesses to fatigue & tiredness. After closely examining the wide range of health benefits deer antler velvet promotes, it's no wonder why Eastern cultures used it as a medicine for thousands of years. Continue reading this post from the Nutronics Labs blog to learn more about deer antler velvet benefits.

Deer Antler Velvet Helps Naturally Promote Weight Loss

One of the big problems associated with losing weight, especially with calorie restriction, is a significant loss in muscle mass when there is a commensurate loss of fat. Any procedure that can preserve lean muscle body mass when fat loss is being experienced would be most helpful and certainly improve the health of the patient during the weight loss procedure.

An added deer antler velvet benefit is increased production of IGF-1 within the body. IGF-1 may also help improve hormonal weight loss effects without having to restrict calorie consumption. 

Something happens in the feedback loop between the release of IGF-1 in the liver and the hypothalamus in the brain. Ordinarily, a reduction in the IGF-1 tells the brain to direct the pituitary to help make more IGF-1 but this feedback loop breaks down with age. For this reason there should be no negative feedback loop problems associated with just taking IGF-1 since the mechanism in the aging person is already diminished. It would also indicate that IGF-1 should be taken in order to help preserve muscle mass, help increase energy levels, and help maintain proper body weight.

Deer Antler Velvet Promotes the Growth of Muscle Mass 

Deer antler velvet is rich in growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This is a key factor in how deer antler velvet can help to promote muscle growth. IGF-1 works on the body by promoting the growth of healthy, lean skeletal muscles. This growth of healthy muscle mass can be influenced by IGF-1's tendency to increase muscle protein and muscle DNA content. There is evidence to suggest that IGF-1 acts on muscle tissue by promoting protein synthesis and the proliferation of satellite cells, both of which result in skeletal muscle growth due to the enlargement of the muscle cells.

Deer Antler Velvet Benefits Athletic Performance 

In clinical studies from 1969, test subjects were placed on a stationary bicycle, and their work rate was measured. One half of the test subjects were given deer antler velvet, and the other half was given a placebo. The group that received deer antler velvet were able to get more work done than the group who received the placebo, showing the deer antler benefits on athletic performance. 

This same study also tested the effects of deer antler velvet in runners participating in three kilometer races. During the experiment, 50 men ran the distance and their completion time was recorded. Again, deer antler velvet was administered to half of the participants, while the other half received a placebo. Again, the group that received deer antler velvet saw increased performance, and was able to complete the race in a faster average time. 

Deer antler velvet has been used by athletes, trainers, and celebrities for years as they stand by the supplement’s energy and recovery boosting properties. Deer antler velvet benefits athletes so they can go harder on the field or in the ring, and recover faster between performances. Give deer antler velvet a try today to see feel it’s athletic performance boosting properties. 

Promotes Natural Healing Factor

The IGF-1 in deer antler velvet can help increase the body's natural healing by affecting cell repair and growth. When an injury or surgery occurs that leaves a wound on the body, the wound is healed naturally by the cells which line the wound. Those cells multiply and rejoin over time. Using deer antler velvet can help promote faster cell repair and growth so that the wound can heal at a faster rate which means less time being injured or sore.
During studies in Russia from 1969, Deer antler velvet was given to patients with both internal and surgical wounds. This study reported that Deer antler velvet did benefit patients, including reduction in surgical complications, normalization of arterial pressure, and faster recovery times. Similar tests performed on rats in 1985 showed that bone fracture repair was accelerated. While these kinds of studies are still being performed, there is evidence that accelerated healing and recovery is another Deer antler velvet benefit that athletes, trainers, and general health fanatics stand by Deer antler velvet for.

Supports Joint Health

Deer antler velvet can play a pivotal role in helping to not only relieve the symptoms of diseases that affect joints, such as osteoarthritis, they can possibly eliminate them entirely. The way it may do this is through the introduction of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate into the body. Both of these compounds are abundant in deer antler velvet.

Chondroitin sulfate is a compound of connective tissues that are usually found in cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a natural building block for the growth and maintenance of healthy cartilage. Osteoarthritis is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage in the bone joints. Usually, the body replenishes cartilage when it wears away, but when osteoarthritis occurs, the cartilage deteriorates faster than the body can replenish it. Over time, the bones can begin to rub together, which results in loss of joint mobility, swelling, and pain. Studies show that a daily supplement of deer antler velvet can help to stimulate the repair of deteriorated bone cartilage with healthy doses of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate. Some of our past customers with osteoarthritis like conditions have said that deer antler spray benefits them greatly. 

Anti-Aging Properties

Deer antler velvet can help slow the aging process and possibly even increase longevity due to the IGF-1 present in deer antler velvet. Aging occurs because our DNA becomes damaged throughout our lives and the damages accumulate over time. The damaged nuclear DNA can either directly cause the aging process by increasing cell dysfunction or it can indirectly cause the aging process by increasing programmed cell death (apoptosis) or increasing the number of cells which are unable to divide any further (cell senescence).

IGF-1 can help slow this aging process down by increasing the telomere length of our DNA. Telomeres are a protective "cap" at the end of each strand of our DNA which prevents the DNA from becoming damaged. DNA becomes damaged as the telomeres grow shorter with age. As more DNA strands become damaged, cells in our bodies can no longer function properly which results in many medical conditions, diseases, and even death. This is how IGF-1 can help longevity. It does this by promoting healthy DNA strands to keep our cellular functions optimal.

May Boost Immune System

Deer antler velvet may help to increase macrophage activity. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell (immunity cell) that digests cellular debris, foreign substances, cancer cells, and other microorganisms. Macrophages help to stimulate defense mechanisms in the body by recruiting immune cells such as lymphocytes. With this increased number of white blood cells, your immunity system becomes strengthened and will have a better chance at fighting off a sickness or infection.

Eastern cultures have been enjoying deer antler in a powdered form for millennia. Now, the ancient remedy of deer antler velvet can be administered and enjoyed in a convenient and potent spray.

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